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American Carnage…

“This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.” Donald J. Trump Inaugural Speech, 2017 ———- “We trust what we know in our...

American Carnage…

“This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.” Donald J. Trump Inaugural Speech, 2017 ———- “We trust what we know in our...

Guns and Myths…

“I can make the case that if there were guns in that room other than his, fewer people would’ve died, fewer people would’ve been so...

Guns and Myths…

“I can make the case that if there were guns in that room other than his, fewer people would’ve died, fewer people would’ve been so...

The Lessons of Carter…

“I would like the last Guinea worm to die before I do.” – former President Jimmy Carter on his campaign to wipe out the parasitic disease...

The Lessons of Carter…

“I would like the last Guinea worm to die before I do.” – former President Jimmy Carter on his campaign to wipe out the parasitic disease...

What We Permit We Promote…

What we permit we promote. It has all become so predictable, the banality of mass death and guns and race in our exceptional nation. It...

What We Permit We Promote…

What we permit we promote. It has all become so predictable, the banality of mass death and guns and race in our exceptional nation. It...

Packin’ in the Classroom

Idaho Gov. Butch Otter’s signature on the contentious legislation was no surprise. He signaled his support early but, given the unanimous...

The Pope of Hope

From the partisan breakdown in Washington politics, including the now distant memory of a pointless and costly shutdown of the federal...

The Power of Humility

“It was the sweetness in his timbre, the meekness of his posture,” Bruni wrote that was truly remarkable. “It was the revelation that a...

What Will It Take

In the 1950’s and 60’s it took a landmark Supreme Court decision – Brown v. Board of Education – the courage and dignity of a black woman...

The Church Endures

Any institution that has survived and thrived for two thousand years is, by the very nature of its longevity, conservative, traditional...

For ‘Em, Or Agin ‘Em

As it has accumulated political power over the last 25 years and become the most feared lobby in the country, the NRA has been nothing if...

Father Riffle

All this makes the passing last week of Father Donald Riffle, a retired priest in the Diocese of Boise all the sadder. Father Riffle was...

Guns and Guts

In 1963 when the young black activist, John Lewis, who later became the distinguished Congressman from Georgia, was nearly beaten to...

It’s the Culture

The after massacre reports speculate that the mass murder of 20 six and seven year olds may prompt a serious national discussion of what...

Quit Digging

The Roman Catholic Church has violated the first rule of addressing a crisis – again. That old and true rule: when you find yourself in a...

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