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The Next Wave

“The Republican states are in strong shape,” Donald Trump said last month. “I don’t know — is that luck or is that talent?” The president...

Corruption and Incompetence…

Two dominant themes prevail in the current presidential administration: corruption and incompetence. They work together well, one...

Corruption and Incompetence…

Two dominant themes prevail in the current presidential administration: corruption and incompetence. They work together well, one...

Taxes and Tariffs…

The two foundational pillars of Republican (read Trump) economic policy – tax cuts and tariffs – have settled in on the country like so...

Taxes and Tariffs…

The two foundational pillars of Republican (read Trump) economic policy – tax cuts and tariffs – have settled in on the country like so...

Just Say No…

Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo is about to get his moment in the wacky spotlight of U.S. Senate confirmation politics. Barring some last-minute...

Just Say No…

Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo is about to get his moment in the wacky spotlight of U.S. Senate confirmation politics. Barring some last-minute...

Old GOP Con Runs out of Steam…

When Oregon Republican Congressman Greg Walden went to Bend, Oregon recently for his first town hall meeting there in two years he came...

Old GOP Con Runs out of Steam…

When Oregon Republican Congressman Greg Walden went to Bend, Oregon recently for his first town hall meeting there in two years he came...

Grab the Pitchforks

“The CDO – collateralized debt obligation – was, in effect, a credit laundering service for the residents of Lower Middle Class America....

Grab the Pitchforks

“The CDO – collateralized debt obligation – was, in effect, a credit laundering service for the residents of Lower Middle Class America....

A Malefactor of Great Wealth

We remember 2008 right? The great recession? The worst financial crisis since the Great Depression? Recall the photos of grim faced...

A Malefactor of Great Wealth

We remember 2008 right? The great recession? The worst financial crisis since the Great Depression? Recall the photos of grim faced...

When to Quit

One of the most difficult things to do in politics – perhaps the most difficult – is to quit. When do you cut-and-walk-away from a There...

When to Quit

One of the most difficult things to do in politics – perhaps the most difficult – is to quit. When do you cut-and-walk-away from a There...

Politics is Motion

Sears “brilliantly stewarded Ronald Reagan’s run from near impossibility to a dead heat” with President Gerald Ford in the 1976...

Politics is Motion

Sears “brilliantly stewarded Ronald Reagan’s run from near impossibility to a dead heat” with President Gerald Ford in the 1976...

Fighting to Innovate

Tesla, in challenging the long-established American way of selling new cars, is (big surprise) hitting decades-old speed bumps as it...

Understanding the Mind of Other Men

In Federalist 78, Hamilton, writing as Publius, discussed several issues related to the judicial branch of the government that had been...

Old Debate, Same Outcome

The Idaho Legislature has devoted considerable time and money over the last few months to an analysis of how the state might take over...

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