And Putin Smiles…
Everyone who has studied the facts – a notable exception being the president of the United States – knows that Russian dictator Vladimir...
Everyone who has studied the facts – a notable exception being the president of the United States – knows that Russian dictator Vladimir...
In 1965 when Arkansas Sen. J. William Fulbright publicly expressed the private concerns he had long harbored about growing U.S. military...
I came of age in politics when it was considered a sin – a near mortal sin – to be caught in a lie or to be deemed guilty of a flip-flop....
On April 6, 2017 President Donald Trump ordered a cruise missile strike on airfields in Syria in response to Syrian dictator Basher...
Nine days ago Robert Mueller III, the decorated former Marine Corps officer, the former assistant attorney general who prosecuted...
So, the Mueller report is released, but not really released. We have a four-page summary written by a guy who owes his job to the guy who...
My weekly column from the Lewiston Tribune ———– In the wake of the latest revelations about the president of the United States the extent...
“[Putin] became convinced that the Western strategy was a regime change vis-à-vis Russia. That’s his distorted version of history. He...
“Not everything done by Lenin was carefully conceived. In particular, he had little foresight about what he was doing when he set up the...
“Frequently, people who go along a treasonous path do not know they are on a treasonous path until it is too late.” Former CIA director...
“The law’s totally on my side, meaning, the president can’t have a conflict of interest.” Donald J. Trump, shortly after his election,...
“Putin has had many positive experiences working with Western political leaders whose business interests made them more disposed to deal...
“Hillary Clinton’s admission that she has pneumonia after allegedly becoming ‘overheated’ at a 9/11 event has even some in MSM...
“The final and most worrying similarity between Putin and Trump is that so many are unwilling to believe that someone like Trump could...
“And we’ve got our soldiers sitting there [in South Korea] watching missiles go up. And you say to yourself, ‘Oh, that’s interesting.’...
Upon hearing of his death in 1924, the true believers reportedly said: “Lenin is dead. Long live Lenin.” So, they embalmed the...
April 6, 1862 – 150 years ago today – Americans came to understand that their Civil War would be not be over easily or soon. Edward...