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If I Had a Hammer

The New York Post – as ridiculous as a newspaper in those days as it remains today – offered the headline: “Dangerous Minstrel Nabbed...

The Right Call?

The Obama campaign and its Super PAC allies spent all summer, as the favorite catch phrase of politics now holds, advancing that...

Break Out the Hand Sanitizer

Thomas E. Dewey, of course, lost to the supremely unpopular Harry Truman in 1948 and is now remembered as perhaps the worst major party...

The Death of Facts

FOX News contributor Juan Williams, hardly an apologist for national Democrats, noted in a opinion column in The Hill today that the flat...

Nary a Word

Former Republican Sen. Alan Simpson has one message in his post-Senate life as a truth teller about the nation’s fiscal health. Simpson...

On Everyone’s List

Yesterday I received, I’ve lost count honestly, what must be my 13th or 14th piece of mail from Mitt. On the same day I got a letter with...

Unfair? Sure…And Politics Always Is

allegedly involving sex and an animal – against a political opponent. His staff pushed back arguing that the allegation was untrue, but...

Romney in London

By the measure of world-wide Twitter trending (#Romneyshambles), not to mention the Brit papers, Romney’s visit to London has gone over...

Obama Reflects on Term – Sort Of

If Barack Obama holds off a determined and extraordinarily well-financed challenge from Mitt Romney and wins a second term in November it...


Romney Campaign Crisis Management There is an old truism in politics that holds “when you’re explaining, you’re losing.” By that...


Skillful politicians, it is often said, make their own luck. They have – or develop – the instincts to act, speak or hold their tongue at...

House of Morgan

A little over one hundred years ago J. Pierpont Morgan ran much of the world’s business from an elegant office at 23 Wall Street in New...

Handling Adversity

Google “Mitt Romney” today and the first thing that appears is “Mitt Romney bullying,” which says a lot about a lot of things. It may...

Obama the Warrior

One of the great strategies in politics is to take your opponent’s greatest strength and turn that advantage  into a liability. It’s not...

Rolling the Vice

There is an old truism in politics that holds that one can go from hero to zero just like that – meaning quick, very quick. The reverse...

Gender Chasm

Mad Men Attitudes and 21st Century Politics By every measure it seems clear that Ann Romney has the smarts, style and personal qualities...

Mitt’s Real Problem

Typically in politics the most painful wounds are self-inflicted. Candidates shoot themselves in the foot and hobble around for days...

The Water’s Edge

First: Can Ron Paul, as I naively asked yesterday, win Idaho? Answer: Nope, not even close. If Paul couldn’t win in Alaska, North Dakota...

Ron Paul

Watching the GOP field I have come to believe that only Rep. Ron Paul, the libertarian from Texas, is truly comfortable in his own skin....

Politics 101

For a while during his second comeback of the GOP primary season Newt Gingrich was spending more time talking about Saul Alinsky than his...

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