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Eat or We Both Starve

My weekly column from the Lewiston (Idaho) Tribune. On an out of the way country road a few miles outside of Oxford, Mississippi you’ll...

The Careless People…

“They were careless people. They smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or...

Bernie Sanders: Socialist…

“I call him a socialist-slash-communist because that’s what he is.” – Donald Trump on Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders – – – – Conventional...

Velveeta and the 1 Percent

Last in a series… The steady demise of the middle class in America offers many story lines. Velveeta, that awesomely yellowy imitation...

Concentrated Wealth or Democracy

I’ve been teaching a class on American presidents this winter focusing on five men who to varying degrees, at least in my mind, were...

Johnson’s Income Inequality Index

Now that Mitt Romney has decided to take a pass on a third bite at the White House apple it may be You may recall Romney’s comments...

Ralph Smeed

My dad loved to say that every town had a “town character,” but that in his hometown the characters had a town. If the same can be said...

Blog: Blog2
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