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The Rules Matter…

Director Steven Spielberg’s latest offering – Bridge of Spies – works on several levels as his best films tend to. In fact, it may be one...

The Rules Matter…

Director Steven Spielberg’s latest offering – Bridge of Spies – works on several levels as his best films tend to. In fact, it may be one...

What To Do With Lenin

Upon hearing of his death in 1924, the true believers reportedly said: “Lenin is dead. Long live Lenin.”  So, they embalmed the...

George Kennan

You can be forgiven if you’ve never heard the name George F. Kennan. If you’re under 50, didn’t fixate, as many of us did, on the daily...

What Goes Around

It is often said in politics that “what goes around comes around.” This is such a story. In the 1940’s and 1950’s Arthur Dean was a...

A Little History

Edward R. Murrow famously said of Wisconsin Sen. Joseph McCarthy that he had not created the fear of Communism that swept the nation...

Hidden in Plain Sight

The exhibit – developed by the Museum – premiered earlier this year at Ellis Island in New York, home of the National Memorial to the...

Hidden in Plain Sight

A terrific new exhibit focused on the history and culture of American Basques – Hidden in Plain Sight – premiered on the hallowed ground...

Good News for Thanksgiving

Been wondering if there is any good news in the world? Wonder no more. Just in time for the Thanksgiving dinner comes new evidence – from...

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