“The textbook definition of a racist comment.” Speaker Paul Ryan on criticism of Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel ——– How did it come to be that...
“The textbook definition of a racist comment.” Speaker Paul Ryan on criticism of Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel ——– How did it come to be that...
“The textbook definition of a racist comment.” Speaker Paul Ryan on criticism of Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel ——– How did it come to be that...
“Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke. okay? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about...
“Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke. okay? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about...
Director Steven Spielberg’s latest offering – Bridge of Spies – works on several levels as his best films tend to. In fact, it may be one...
Director Steven Spielberg’s latest offering – Bridge of Spies – works on several levels as his best films tend to. In fact, it may be one...
Truly defining moments are rare in our politics. They come around perhaps once a decade or so, but when they do occur they often signal a...
Truly defining moments are rare in our politics. They come around perhaps once a decade or so, but when they do occur they often signal a...
A great day for America with expansion of rights for same sex couples or a bleak day where the tyranny of five activist judges trump the...
A great day for America with expansion of rights for same sex couples or a bleak day where the tyranny of five activist judges trump the...
The marvelous British historian David Reynolds argues in his latest book – The Long Shadow – which explores the lasting legacies of World...
The marvelous British historian David Reynolds argues in his latest book – The Long Shadow – which explores the lasting legacies of World...
I love college basketball and of course the love affair is in full blossom this time of year. My romance began in 1966 when a bunch of...
I love college basketball and of course the love affair is in full blossom this time of year. My romance began in 1966 when a bunch of...
The Movie… If you haven’t seen the Oscar-nominated film Selma you should. While mostly snubbed by those who Like all films that set out...
The Movie… If you haven’t seen the Oscar-nominated film Selma you should. While mostly snubbed by those who Like all films that set out...
One of the most difficult things to do in politics – perhaps the most difficult – is to quit. When do you cut-and-walk-away from a There...
One of the most difficult things to do in politics – perhaps the most difficult – is to quit. When do you cut-and-walk-away from a There...
I hope, and believe, that the late, great former Commissioner of Baseball smiles in a peaceful place where everyone is surrounded by...
Americans of color may have significantly more challenges to overcome with employment, education, health and housing than most white...