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The Education of the Younger Brother

It’s difficult, no matter your personal politics, to not have some sympathy for Jeb Bush and his efforts to articulate a plausible...

The Education of the Younger Brother

It’s difficult, no matter your personal politics, to not have some sympathy for Jeb Bush and his efforts to articulate a plausible...

Are You Listening?

Here’s a prediction. When the history of the Obama Administration is written, the admittedly monumental screw ups with the health...

Everything Old…

As the media fixates on security leaker Edward Snowden and his every movement, it may be worth remembering the role Church played in...

The Spy from Boise

Years ago as a very young, very naive reporter, the boss handed me a piece of wire copy ripped straight off the teletype machine and told...

That’s Accountability

Accountability, at least most of the time, is sure and swift in the United States military. Just ask Captain Owen Honors, who has been...

Communicating the Story

Gen. Stanley McCrystal, the fellow Barack Obama fired earlier this year as the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, is lecturing at Yale...

A Reputation in Tatters

I’ve always had a soft spot for Stephen Ambrose the author of Undaunted Courage, the book that did more than anything, I think, to bring...

Dithering on War

News today that President Obama is set to announce his Afghanistan strategy next week. He certainly has been getting a lot of advice and...

Dithering or a Strategy?

Within the stark building that houses the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa – perhaps the most anti-war war museum I’ve ever visited – is a...

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