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America’s Great Problems

In other words – short. Very short. For a few moments earlier this fall we were consumed by the news of a humanitarian crisis and...

Guest Post

My Call from No. 15 A guest post today from my Gallatin colleague Randy Simon. At this point in my life I like and appreciate my morning...

Jerry Kramer

Forty-three years ago this past Tuesday, the Green Bay Packers issued a terse statement that began with these words: “Guard and author...

What Next

Idaho’s Battle Over Education Reform There was never a real chance that supporters of a recall of Idaho’s Superintendent of Public...

Education Reform?

New statewide opinion research finds Idahoans distinctly unsure that the educational reform efforts that dominated the state legislative...

Failing at Politics and Policy

Expelled from Politics On Tuesday, the Idaho House approved the most political piece of State Superintendent Tom Luna’s “education...

Bashing Teachers

Like most everyone, I suspect, I had a favorite teacher growing up. (Actually, I had a hopeless crush on my high school chemistry...

Blog: Blog2
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